I had the opportunity to return to Peru after living there years ago. From the high elevations of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley to the adventurous times exploring the city life and also the rich history that each place has to offer. From archaeological history to possible alien conspiracies, amazing local flavors and having slushies with llamas, Peru is the destination for adventure!
One of my favorite sayings is: "The best way to get a taste of local flavor is to do so literally." I love eating and drinking my way through a country - it just can’t be beat! My father jokes that after my first trip to Italy, he picked me up from the airport, and I spent the next 6 hours talking solely about the food that I'd eaten. Believe me, I can still describe some of those meals in detail, and I'm sure I will for a long time.
While I can sometimes be a picky eater at home, I try to turn off any hesitation while traveling and trust my gut (pun intended). Food and drinks are the perfect window into a local culture. They can show the growth of a civilization, its history, and its tradition, but most importantly, no matter what, they are different than what you know. That is, after all, why we travel. We are seeking to see, experience, eat and try all new things.
Best meal! (Karen DiGangi)
My roommate (and lovely Trip Planner here at Adventure Life, Molly Hutchison) spent 6 months living in Peru years ago. Lucky for me, she made sure I was prepped with not only a list of all the things I should try, but some places to try them too. I am glad to say I crossed off almost everything on her list. Below, I give you mine. While I can’t pinpoint a single bad meal I had in Peru, below are some of my favorites and where I enjoyed them.
Chuchero – Ollantaytambo Mutu – Cusco Los Perros – Cusco Las Gringas – Arequipa
So keep an open mind, try some new flavors, and enjoy!
Purple corn crust pizza and local beer (Karen DiGangi)
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