Prepping for your Trip or Why you need your Operations Coordinator
Dec 08, 2016
We're on our way! (Jessica Liles)When you first get in touch with Adventure Life to plan your trip you'll hear from someone like me, a Trip Planner, your first point of contact when planning your trip. We're the big picture people, we can take everything you are interested in and distill it down into a manageable itinerary that is just right for your group. Once you actually book your trip you are introduced to a new person who is going to take over your trip planning from here. Your Operations Coordinator.
Your Operations Coordinator is probably the single most important person who will be helping you with your trip because when it comes time to actually pack up and leave, they are the ones you are going to call. Whether you need to ask about what to pack, do you need a visa for this trip, are my flights going to work with the tours I have scheduled? They are the detail oriented people in our crew, dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's to make sure your trip goes off without a hitch.
Once my Costa Rica adventure was all planned I didn't think about it again until just a few days before I left. I hadn't packed, gone shopping or even checked if my passport was valid for 6 months after my return date. Luckily I had my Operations Coordinator, Jessica Roberts, doing all the thinking for me. She told me what she had packed for her trip to Costa Rica and recommended some items I hadn't considered. She made me an itinerary listing dates and times of all my activities and phone numbers for all my hotels and guides. Those two pieces of paper were my lifeline during my trip. Every time my mother asked "Where are we going?" "What are we doing?" "What time do we have to be up?" I silently thanked Jess that I didn't have to keep all those details in my head. She had done the work for me.
Armed with Jess and my expertise combined, Mom and I were ready to take on Costa Rica for an epic 16 day adventure.
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