Camp in Torres del Paine in typical mountain tents, large enough to fit 2 hikers comfortably. All camping gear is provided, but hikers should bring own mat and sleeping bag. Our team will set up the tents in the camping site. On nights 1, 7 & 8 at Las Torres and on nights 4, 5, 6 at Grey, Pehoe and Francés, you enjoy dinner and breakfast in the refugios. On nights 2 and 3 at Dickson and Perros there will be a comfortable dining tent for dinners and breakfasts. Additionally, the camping sites along the trek will have mountain bathroom facilities in good condition.
This was my first experience with Adventure Life - and I couldn't have been more pleased with the trip. The guides and local staff in both Buenos Aires and Uruguay were terrific - extremely helpful and accommodating. I really enjoyed meeting the friendly staff in Buenos Aires in person (I left my bags with them for the afternoon).
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