We went to Belize! We explored the jungle, went canoeing, marveled at ruins and caves, went flats fishing and went snorkeling with a variety of marine wildlife, especially whale sharks! We managed to do it all in two weeks in paradise with the help of our wonderful guide. What an amazing trip to Belize!
On our way to Pook;s Hill Lodge! (Julia Kocubinski)We departed last out of Missoula, on our way to Belize! Evan and I spent our several hour layover playing pool and drinking microbrews in the Salt Lake Airport. Not a bad way to start our vacation! The overnight flight to Atlanta was rough, not much sleep and a pretty upset baby sitting in front of us. After a short snooze in the Atlanta airport, we departed for Belize City. The warm, humid air welcomed us as we stepped off the plane. We had arrived! Hector picked us up right outside the airport door and drove us towards Pooks. After a quick lunch, it started to poor, so we decided to save the zoo visit for our way out of Pooks and drove directly to the lodge. It was such a treat to be back in Belize. It has been seven years since I had seen this wonderful little country, and the smiling faces of the people we drove by made me feel so welcome. The bumpy ride to Pooks was relatively quick. We had Hector teaching us about the landscape, the people, the farms and the history of his country. As we pulled into the lodge, we were greeted by Ray and shown to our room. We were both in need of a nap and a shower after traveling for about twenty-four hours, but we did wander around just a bit before cocktail hour. We met the other few people at the lodge over cold Belekins and all sat down to eat in the downstairs dining area. DInner was as just as delicious as I remembered, served family style with the other guests, Ray and our guides. Evan and weren't the life of the party tonight, and we turned in early to our cozy and beautiful room.
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