Repositioning Cruise on the Andrea from Cadiz to Buenos Aires. November 2008
Tarifa to Cadiz
Nov 20, 2008
Having arrived in Tarifa yesterday after a 7 day tour of Morocco, we travelled by bus to Cadiz. This took an hour and 15 minutes and cost EU8.39 per person. An interesting trip along the coast past many windfarms and solar panel which would indicate that southern Spain is addressing the energy problem.
On arrival in Cadiz, a quick taxi ride to our hotel the Hospederia Las Cortes de Cadiz. A very pleasant small hotel in the centre of the old town and within walking distance of the port. At a cost of EU60 plus Tax for a single room which included a very pleasant breakfast. Unbeknownst to us at the time , three other passengers for the Andrea were also staying at the hotel. Lots of inexpensive cafes within walking distance.
Nov 21, 2008
A very pleasant day spent wandering the streets of Cadiz. A very old city originally settled by the Phoenicians in approximately 1100BC. It has been occupied by the Cathaginians , Romans , Moors and the Reconquest.A walk along the seafront gives a wonderful perspective of the very pretty city.
Departure from Cadiz
Nov 22, 2008
A walk to the port after breakfast to find the Andrea. Overnight several very large cruise ships had arrived so she was a little hard to locate but eventually , there she was and after a quick consultation with the Hotel Manager, we were able to return to the hotel and collect our suitcases and return to the ship and leave them on board until sailing time. Lunch at a small outdoor cafe near the town hall with a brass band playing , made the perfect end to to very pleasant days in Cadiz.
Sailing time was listed as 4.00pm but we were able to board at 3.00pm to find our suitcases in our cabins. Very pleased with the cabins and their facilities and so pleased that we took two cabins as there was no "Single Supplement" on this Repositioning Cruise. Afternoon tea at 4.30 where we met the other passengers including the three who had been at the hotel in Cadiz. The Andrea has a capacity of 103 passengers but only 23 on this trip. I am so pleased that we had the extra days in Cadiz as several of the passengers had flown directly into Seville from their home ports and their luggage hadn't made the connection. This is always a worry on a cruise and I would alwayd recommend arriving at least 24 hours prior to sailing. Sailed at 6.00pm
At Sea
Nov 23, 2008
As the Andrea is a small ship, she does tend to roll a little which explains why the chairs are all bolted down and the drawers and cupboards have special locks to prevent them banging during the night. A situation it took me a little while to figure out . The morning spent exploring the ship and getting the feel of the ocean. With so few passengers , there is lots of space if one wants to curl up with a good book or just sit and watch the waves. I am very impressed with the facilities and look of the ship which is decorated in what could be described as Swedish Modern (all pale blues and yellow / grey and white ). A very attractive dining room which served a very pleasant lunch. Unfortunately , the swells had increased and lunch and glasses of wine went flying. The crew were so quick in restoring everything, we hardly missed a beat. Only to have it happen again. This time one grabbed the glass of wine first rather than lose it. At least it broke the ice and made lunch a much jollier affair.
In the afternoon a lecture by Kevin the on-board lecturer and specialist in all things marine ( both fish and fowl ).Todays lecture was on whales . The captains cocktail party cancelled due to the swell but dinner proceeded normally.
Arrival in Las Palmas
Nov 24, 2008
No motion sickness but a rather sleepless night due to the swell. She really rolls and it's a little disconcerting to be rolling from one side of the bed to the other most of the night. What a pity I didn't realise that the bed had a "seat belt" with which one can strap oneself in. This was discovered on the last day at sea.
Weather slowly improving.
Arrived in Las Palmas at 6.00pm and captains cocktail party at 7.00pm. A chance to meet the crew and those passengers who had been a little off colour due to the weather. Of the 23 passengers there are people from the USA , Canada , the UK , Luxembourg and us two Australians. A very diverse group and most interesting.
Las Palmas de Gran Canarias
Nov 25, 2008
Las Palmas de Gran CanariaAfter breakfast, a morning tour of Las Palmas , supplied by the cruise. A drive up to the crater of the extinct volcano Bandama before travelling on to the very pretty colonial town of Teror for and inspection of the church of Our Lady of The Pines. A stop at the delightful La Hacienda del Buen Suceso for morning tea. Back on board by 1.30 for lunch.A walk into town had been planned but as the ship had to be moved to another part of the port, this had to be cancelled which was a pity. Sailed at 9.00pm
At Sea
Nov 26, 2008
Weather much improved and the swell has now abated. Those passengers who had no luggage due to missed connections , had it delivered yesterday in Las Palmas and are now looking much happier.
Kevin's lecture on seabirds this morning was quite fascinating but I am still not sure if I could tell one booby from another.
One has to be careful about food as the dining room staff are so attentive and determined that we should all leave the ship far heavier than when we boarded. The food is plentiful and diverse with several choices of entres and mains and always a vegetarian selection. Desserts are wicked. Beer or wine is served free of charge with lunch and dinner and even though the wine is not of connoisseur quality, it is pleasant enough. If one chooses to drink something of a better standard, they are available at a reasonable price.
Thanksgiving at Sea
Nov 27, 2008
This morning during Kevin's lecture he announced that the ship would not be stopping at Cape Verde. This caused a great to do with some of the passengers and one even saying that the only reason they took this voyage was to stop at Cape Verde. I found this a little odd but really wasn't too concerned as he said that we would be sailing through the islands and actually seeing far more.
The passengers were invited to join the chef in the restaurant and help stuff the turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner.
A very pleasant barbecue lunch on deck in the Northern Lights Cafe. Hopefully this will be repeated.
Turkey for dinner tonight with all the trimmings. Of course there were alternatives for those who don't like turkey.
Cape Verde Islands
Nov 28, 2008
Up early to see Cape Verde Islands only to be told by Kevin that we were actually in the middle of the islands as they cover a vast stretch of ocean. We sailed past Praia and I think we were all rather grateful that we didn't stop as it looked rather bleak and dreary. Instead we sailed past Sotavento and Santiago and then around Fogo which is a volcano whose last eruption was 10 years ago. The lava flow was quite visible from the ship. Lots of seabirds.
At Sea
Nov 29, 2008
Weather much warmer (90F) and so the days pass. Kevin's lecture this morning was on whales and he is very knowledgeable . The other option to fill in the time was "napkin folding" which I decided I could live without.
The library has given up a few very good books, so along with the ones I bought with me (which I will leave behind), I am very happy.
There are movies on the TV in the cabin but the quality is rather poor and I've seen most of them.
At Sea
Nov 30, 2008
Another day watching the ocean. We are nearing the equator so the weather is quite warm.
After lunch, a movie in the lounge. "Joyeux Noel" about the truce on the Western Front at Christmas 1914 . Quite moving.
At Sea - Crossing the Equator
Dec 01, 2008
Up early to see St Paul's Rock. The top of a mountain in the middle of the Atlantic which , from it's base is nearly as high as Everest . Quite spectacular. Lots of boobies around the ship and a pod of bottle nosed dolphins bow waved and as we are able to go to the bow of the ship, we were able to take photographs.
At 11.00 Captain Neptune boarded and those passengers and crew who had not "crossed the line" before , were initiated and champagne was served to all.
A hot dog and hamburger barbecue lunch on deck.
The usual afternoon spent resting and reading and chatting to passengers before cocktails at 6.30 and dinner at 7.30.
Dinner had been slowly creeper forward to 6.30 but after a chat to the Hotel Manager, it was advised that passengers could dine at any time that would suit.
At Sea - Fernando de Noronha
Dec 02, 2008
Up early to watch as we sailed past Fernando de Noronha which is the top of another Atlantic mountain. Not as high as St Paul's Rock but it has a
small population and a luxury resort.
Kevin's lecture today was on taking better pictures but I decided on deck in the sun with a book was a better option.
Lunch pleasant as always and dinner likewise.
Dec 03, 2008
Arrived Recife earlier than anticipated. After breakfast caught a shuttle bus into the city to do a little shopping and to walk around the town. Sometimes called the Venice of Brazil because of it's waterways. Saw the Governors Palace , Santa Isabel Theatre & the Palace of Justice. The shuttle back to the ship for lunch and then off on our provided tour which included the UNESCO Heritage city of Olinda which founded in 1537 and was once the capital. Stopped at the Mesericordia Church and the Se Church which has wonderful views overlooking Recife. On our way back to the ship we stopped at Boa Viagem beach and Casa Cultura. The latter is the old prison which has been turned into an Arts and Crafts centre and is quite spectacular.. Back on board in time for a shower and change for drinks on deck as we sailed out of Recife. The Corinthian 11 was also in port and it was interesting to have a look at her as we almost sailed on her from Capetown to Seville but that is another story.
Sailed at 7.00pm
At Sea
Dec 04, 2008
Another blissful day at sea doing as little as possible.
This is what this trip is all about. A stop every now and then and days and days staring at the ocean watching the flying fish. Reading a book; chatting to like minded passengers ; extending lunch until it's almost afternoon tea time; a nap because the day has been so exhausting and changing for a cocktail in the lounge before wandering in to dinner to see what new joys the chef has dreamed up.
Could one ask for more.
At Sea
Dec 05, 2008
The weather has changed to overcast with rain squalls which makes a change.
A special dinner tonight with Gerry - the Hotel Manager and a few other well chosen guests. Wines supplied by the ship which was a great treat. Interesting to find out some of the ins and outs of provisioning the ship and getting the crew into tip-top shape for the summer cruises to the Antarctic. Drinks in the bar after dinner also courtesy of Gerry which was greatly appreciated especially as tonight was Karioke night.
At Sea - Rio
Dec 06, 2008
Weather still overcast but not cold.
Lunch today a little disappointing or are we all becoming too critical ?
Dinner more than made up for it as we had pheasant on the menu.
Sailing into Rio Harbour after dinner was quite fabulous.
Rio de Janeiro
Dec 07, 2008
After breakfast , a tour of Rio. As I was here several years ago for a 5 day stay, I was interested to see what they would include in the tour as it was only from 9.00am to 1.00pm.
The drive along Copacababa , Leblon and Ipanema was fine but no stops. A quick stop at the very modern Cathedral and a quick drive past the World War 2 Memorail before arriving at Sugar Loaf. This was the highlight but it is a pity they couldn't extend the time and include Corcovada and the statue of Christ the Redeemer. Still, everyone enjoyed Sugar Loaf, even those passengers who suffer from vertigo.
Back to the ship in time for lunch for those who wanted it but we availed ourselves of the Stern Company shuttle bus to Ipanema. Of course one has to run the gauntlet of the tour of the jewellery makers and the sales people but it is possible to get out without buying anything. One is then free to wander Ipanema and find a nice little local restaurant and have a very enjoyable lunch.
Back to the ship (on the Stern Express) in time for a 5.00pm sailing.
Drinks on deck sailing out of Rio Harbour is an experience not to be missed.
At Sea
Dec 08, 2008
The weather back to hot and sunny so more lazing on the deck during the
The cruise is winding down and people are talking about their trips back to the Northern Hemisphere and winter which will be a big shock. Fortunately we are staying on in South America so this is not a problem.
At Sea
Dec 09, 2008
Another glorious day at sea but it is all coming to an end.
Invitation to dine with the Captain and First Officer tonight but cocktails in the lounge prior to that. This creates a problem as all the chairs and table are anchored so one has to sit rather than stand and move around and chat to everyone.
A very nice meal with wines supplied by the First Officer who is a very amusing man.
Finale for dinner was Bombe Alaska with sparklers served to all table and very spectacular. The crew really enjoy doing these extras.
Final Day at Sea
Dec 10, 2008
Rather fitting that the weather should turn cool and overcast on our last day.
Slowly sailing down the coast of Uruguay.
Decided to go for broke tonight and ordered a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (US30) as a farewell gesture The wine attended was so pleased.
It has been a wonderful cruise and I shall be sad to leave. It isn't a cruise that everyone would enjoy but if you enjoy the sea and can be happy just talking with other passengers or reading a good book, it's great. The ship, although small, has every amenity. There is no pool or a big theatre with glitzy shows and the deckspace is limited but even full, one would not feel cramped and with only 23 passengers, it was luxurious.
Docked Buenos Aires at 11.00pm
Buenos Aires
Dec 11, 2008
After a rather rushed breakfast and the hustle and bustle of disembarking we were through Customs and Immigration by 9.30.
Fond goodbye's to crew and passengers and promises to keep in touch
and off to samples the excitement of Buenos Aires.
The end of a great adventure and the start of another.
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