As soon as I was 2 weeks past my second dose, I was plotting my return to travel. I knew the destinations I could easily travel to and that I had a window of about 10 days before family members would start arriving for long awaited visits. I considered a trip to Uganda, but the travel time from Montana was just too great. It wouldn’t leave me enough time to do much once I got there. I hadn’t been to South America since Ian and I went to Peru in 2016. Why not consider a return trip to the Galapagos?
Photo by Kassandra Magruder
My mother and I had traveled there on my very first Adventure Life trip, in 2009. There were a few snafus on that trip. Our catamaran blew an engine, leaving us listing and traveling very slowly between islands. They ran out of ice (no more cocktails). I was terribly seasick and unable to get good sleep. It was time that I gave the Galapagos a second chance. I booked a cruise on my favorite yacht, the one that is nearly always sold out a year in advance (small Covid blessings). I booked flights. I booked a few hotel nights in Quito and arranged for Covid testing. The whole planning process took an hour. Could it really be this easy? We shall see.