I had built a day in Quito into my itinerary, so that I could complete COVID testing before flying to the Galapagos the following morning. At promptly 7 AM, someone from a local lab showed up at the hotel, swabbed my nose and told me I'd have my PCR results within 24 hours. They actually came in about 12 hours.
I had also planned to meet up with the director of our partner office in Ecuador. Unfortunately, that was not to be as the Ecuadorian government had insituted a curfew due to increased COVID cases. From 8 pm on Friday night to 5 am on Monday morning, no going out and no alcohol sales (even at tourist hotels, so no wine with dinner). I was grateful to be holed up in the Wyndham Hotel at the Quito Airport, with a solid restaurant, gym, pool and fast WiFi.
Between a morning workout, an afternoon swim and a Netflix binging session, the day went super quickly. I found myself tucking in early for sleep, happy to have a full 8 hours before my 8 AM flight to the Galapagos. Although I'm sad to miss a day of seeing friends in Quito, a day of complete rest and relaxation was needed. I remember the schedule in the Galapagos as being one of early morning wakeup calls and lots of activity.
Kassandra is knowledgeable, efficient and very pleasant to work with.
Fred Weeman
1 month ago
Info was accurate and delivered quickly so that a decision could be made. This is my second trip with Adventure Life.
1 month ago
Claudia does an excellent job of communicating. HOWEVER…you paperwork requirements are constipated — a real impediment to doing business. Fire the lawyers or accountants over that.
1 month ago
Plans were described and booked with efficiency and speed. Adventure LIfe is outstanding in travel planning.
Laurel Hansen
2 months ago
The travel planner was very knowledgeable about the countries I will be visiting and was very helpful in booking my trip. It was a great experience in dealing with them - very personable and promptly address any of my concerns.