Costa Rica translated means “rich coast” and for our family adventure it was priceless. Sharing experiences and discoveries in the mountains, jungles, and beaches, made memories that will truly last a lifetime.
Brennan, Trent, and Turrialba Valley (Torrey Ebaugh)Here we go, complete with butterflies in my tummy that are somewhere between excitement and nervousness. We have made it through the high demands of Christmas time and now the trip we have planned and anxiously anticipated is finally here!
There were several reasons my husband and I planned this trip. Besides loving the activities and new experiences Adventure Life offers, it seemed like a great way to reconnect as a family. Our twin boys (I should say men but I am just not there yet) are fast approaching graduating from college. They seem to be more mature and independent with each month that passes. As gratifying as this is from a parental perspective, there is a bittersweet element as our children transition to forging their own path. With the demands of college, internships, and jobs, it is increasingly difficult to find the time to be together as a family. The time between semesters provided an opportune time window and what better way to experience those priceless moments as a family than to share a travel adventure.
We arrived in San Jose Costa Rica after dark and navigated through Customs and Immigration without a problem. After finding a taxi and settling in, off we went towards our Hotel. It was a special introduction to San Jose, with Christmas lights and decorations still up adding that festive feel. We arrived at the Hotel and were shown to beautiful rooms. Being on a hill, we had a view above a little sitting area on a balcony. The only disappointment is that we will only be here for the night because first thing tomorrow we are off to the Pacuare River.