This blog is to document the trip my boyfriend and I are taking to the wonderful country of Belize. I titled it "A Tale of Two Viewpoints" because this will be his first time traveling outside of the US on a non-cruise; it will be my 18th country that I've visited. I really want to capture the essence of traveling through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time. I am so excited to finally being able to take a trip together somewhere new for the both of us and enjoy it together as a couple!
Photo by Amara VogtLess than 10 days until we begin our adventure and I couldn't be more excited by the prospect. A little background as to why we chose this small country in Central America: we both wanted to go somewhere we had never been before! A couple years ago I lived in Costa Rica for two months through a Study Abroad program and fell utterly in love with this part of the Americas (and I want to go back to CR as soon as I can). But I wanted to try something that we both could experience for the first time, and a place where we wouldn't have to worry about safety. We landed on Belize and after a little bit of research, I don't regret it for a second. I can't wait to go, and am counting down the days!