A journey aboard the MV Ushuaia in November, 2010.
There is no way to describe Antarctica without seeing it. You come back home and everyone asks "What did you do? What did you see"?
Inevitably you have to talk about the amazing penguins, the breathtaking scenery, and the incredible landscapes you see day after day. You end up talking about your ports, how the snow and ice interact with the land, and find that it does not do the continent justice. You could describe the Rainforest as "trees, plants, and animals" but it does not paint a picture of its epic beauty - and Antarctica is no different. I can talk about the Mountains, the ice, the snow... but to the person that hasn't seen just exactly how incredibly different mountains, snow, and ice come together in different ways to paint a surreal picture every few kilometers, they will just nod their head and smile.
To those people I share this album in the hope of describing even a fraction of what Antarctica is.
To the people that have been there, I hope this album stirs up memories of the special trip you were able to take and allow you to appreciate the small community of us that have been able to see what you see.
And to myself - I remind you that there is no other place that has inspired such a sense of exploration and adventure. The world is a huge, amazing place. Never stop exploring. Make it an adventure.