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Masked boobie on a Galapagos wildlife tour

Galapagos Birds

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The Galapagos bird-life is world renown for its finches -- the tiny little birds that played such an important role in Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. But bird-life on the islands goes far beyond its famous finches. This unique habitat supplies home for a wide variety of species, from colorful flamingo and comical blue-footed boobies, to showy frigatebirds and bizzare cormorants. The distinct features of the birds make for easy identification for the novice birder -- while the savvy will be pleased to spot the rare and treasured species found only in the Galapagos Islands. Galapagos travel offers amazing wildlife viewing opportunities. The following tables simply offer a sample of the birds found on the Islands.

Key to species' class:

Endemic: Found only in the Galapagos Islands
Endemic Sub-species: Species exists in other parts of the world, but no interbreeding with the Galapagos population. The Galapagos population may evolve into a distinct species
Resident: Found on the Galapagos Islands and elsewhere in the world. Breeds on the islands and elsewhere. Arrived in the Islands naturally.
Visitor: Frequently visits the Islands, specifically during Nov through March. Does not breed in the Galapagos.

Sea Birds

Species Islands Best Viewed Class Characteristics
Galapagos Penguin Fernandina, Isabela, Santiago, Bartolome Endemic One of the world's smallest penguins. Only penguin to breed entirely within the tropics.
Waved Albatross Espanola Endemic Best seen during the months of Aprthrough Dec. Breeds on the cliffs of Espanola. Courtship includes a showy dance.
Galapagos Storm Petrel Genovesa, San Cristobal Endemic Also known as Wedge-rumped Storm Petral. Distinguished by large white rump and tail.
Red-billed Tropicbird Genovesa, South Plaza Resident Look for this seabird's brilliant red bill and long white tail feathers - reaching up to 20 inches
Brown Pelican Central Islands Endemic Sub-species A large brown bird. Catches food by diving and scooping small fish, crustaceans and water in its distinctive large beak.
Blue-footed Booby Espanola, San Cristobal, North Seymour Endemic Sub-species Brown wings, white belly and bright blue feet. Feeds mainly on fish. Groups of diving Boobies are an impressive site in the Islands.
Masked or Nazca Booby Espanola, San Cristobal, Genovesa Endemic Sub-species A brilliant white bird, with black wing tips and a black "masked" face. Largest of the Islands' Boobies.
Red-footed Booby San Cristobal, Genovesa, Wolf, Darwin Endemic Sub-species Smallest of the three Boobies, with red webbed feet. Perches and nests in trees.
Flightless Cormorant Fernandina, Isabela Endemic Flightless bird, whose wings appear to serve no obvious purpose. An aquatic courtship ritual includes a unique 'snake-necking'
Magnificent Frigatebird North Seymour, Floreana, Isabela, San Cristobal, Genovesa Endemic Sub-species Impressive, large birds with a wingspan up to 8 feet. Males are famous for their red goular, which they display during breeding season.
Great Frigatebird Espanola, North Seymour, Genovesa, San Cristobal, Fernandina Resident Very similar appearance to the Magnificent. The Giant male has a green sheen to its back feathers; the Magnificent's back feathers have a purplish hue.
Swallow-tailed Gull Genovesa, South Plaza Endemic The world's only nocturnal gull. Distinguished by their black head, red ring around the eye and a black beak with a gray tip.
Lava Gull Santa Cruz, Isabela, Genovesa, South Plaza Endemic A nest robber and scavenger. This gull has a dark gray body and black wings.
Brown Noddy South Plaza, Santa Cruz, Rabida, Isabela, Bartolome Endemic Sub-species Also called a Common Noddy. Has a comedic trait of sitting on the heads of pelicans while they fish, hoping to snag some leftovers.

Land Birds

Species Islands Best Viewed Class Characteristics
Galapagos Hawk South Plaza, Espanola, Fernandina, Santa Fe Endemic Brown hawk with sharply hooked yellow beak and yellow legs. Juveniles are known to approach people, even land on them.
Osprey Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela Visitor Best sightings are near mangrove lagoons. Mainly white body and head, with dark brown wings. Also known as Fish Eagle.
Barn Owl Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela Endemic Sub-species Distinctive heart-shaped face. Nests in lava holes or other volanic formations.
Galapagos Dove Main Islands Endemic Small rust-colored dove with bright red legs. Has next to no fear of humans. Nests on the ground.
Galapagos Rail Highlands of Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela Endemic While not flightless, this birds is a reluctant flyer, which makes it vulnerable to predators. Head and chest are a navy blue, with dark brown back and wings.
Belted Kingfisher Lagoons on Isabela, San Cristobal Visitor Only kingfisher found in the Islands. Feeds by plunge-diving. Larger bird, roughly a foot long.
Dark-billed Cuckoo Santa Cruz, Charles Darwin Research Station Resident Feeds on insets in densley vegetated regions. Dark in color with black cap. Belly and neck are light and has a long brown tail.
Galapagos Mockingbird Santa Cruz, South Plaza, Santiago, Santa Fe, Isabela, Fernandina, Genovesa, Darwin, Wolf Endemic Has a unique family unit where the juveniles help feed the hatchlings. Slender birds with a black sloping beak. Nests in trees and cacti.
Galapagos Flycatcher Main Islands - except Genovesa Endemic Small light-brown bird with dusty colored chest. Feeds on insects, and is known to approach people.
Yellow Warbler Widespread Endemic Sub-species Small, bright yellow bird. Males have a rust-colored streak on the crown. Both parents are responsible for feeding the young.

Coastal Birds

Species Islands Best Viewed Class Characteristics
Great Blue Heron Main Islands Resident Standing at 3 feet tall, this heron has a wingspan of nearly 6 feet. Males and females share the task of incubation and feeding.
Great Egret Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabela, Santiago, Floreana Resident A large all-white bird with a long yellow beak. Also referred to as the Common Egret.
Lava Heron Widespread Endemic Small, solid gray heron. Favorite food includes Sally Lightfoot crabs.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron Widespread - except Darwin & Wolf Endemic Sub-species Distinctive black head with a tan crown and prominant white stripes along the cheeks. Often seen balancing on one leg.
Greater Flamingo Isabela, Santa Cruz, Floreana, Rabida, Santiago Resident Large pink bird with a long neck and legs. Population on the islands hovers around 500. Can live up to 30 years.
American Oystercatcher Widespread Endemic Sub-species Shorebird. Has a long and brilliant red beak. Black head and wings. White belly and chest.
Greater Yellowlegs Widespread Visitor A larger wader - roughly a foot tall. Speckled brown and white with long yellow legs and a sharp, thin beak.
Least Sandpiper Widespread - Dec through March Visitor Most common sandpiper on the Islands. During breeding, have a redish cap. Legs are yellow and has a sharp black bill.


Species Islands Best Viewed Class Characteristics
Large Ground Finch Widespread Endemic A large finch with a very large beak. Males are mainly black. Females are grey-brown with pale streaks on the breast.
Medium Ground Finch Widespread Endemic Very similar plumage to the Large Ground. Commonly feeds in groups and is seen pecking ectoparasites off iguanas.
Small Ground Finch Widespread Endemic Smaller size and stubby beak distinguish it from the Medium Ground.
Sharp-beaked Ground Finch Highlands of Santiago, Fernandina, Pinta Endemic Can be found feeding on bird lice from Booby nests. Will also roll Booby eggs from the nest and eat the contents.
Cactus Ground Finch Widespread Endemic Nests in Opuntia cactus. Has a long, sloping beak. Feeds on the Opuntia flowers.
Large Cactus Ground Finch Espanola, Genovesa, Darwin, Wolf Endemic Larger finch with a powerful beak. Not as specialized in feeding on the Opuntia cactus as its small sister species.
Vegetarian Finch Widespread Endemic A large finch. Males have a dark head and wings, with a light belly. Females are brown with spotted, light belly.
Large Tree Finch Widespread - humid areas Endemic Males has black head and neck - rest of bird is a grey/brown. Females are grey/brown with pale bellies. Beak looks almost parrot-like with a curved top and bottom.
Medium Tree Finch Floreana Endemic Found only in the humid region of Floreana. Its beak is pointer than the Larger Tree Finch.
Small Tree Finch Widespread Endemic Smalles of the Tree Finches - adults are only 4 inches. Found in humid regions.
Woodpecker Finch Widespread Endemic Famous for using a tool, such as twig, to retrieve larva from rotted wood. During breeding, their beak turns black.
Mangrove Finch Mangroves of Southern Isabela Endemic The most endangered bird species in the Galapagos. Population is a mere 40-50 pairs.
Warbler Finch Widespread Endemic Smallest of the finches. While smaller and less vibrant in color, is easily mistaken for the yellow warbler.

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