If you’re wondering what the reason is for visiting these uninhabited, barren islands, the answer is: wildlife viewing. South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands are home to varied and abundant species of wildlife. Fur seals are so prolific as to constitute hazards to landing Zodiacs during breeding season.
In addition to millions of fur seals, there are 5 million breeding pairs of macaroni penguins. King penguins also nest on South Georgia and on the surrounding islands. Great wandering albatrosses and thousands of other seabirds call the islands home as well. The islands boast a couple of unique species as well. The South Georgia pipit is the only songbird found in all of Antarctica, and the South Georgia pintail is the only carnivorous duck to be found in the world. Longer Antarctic cruises will stop off on these islands for a look at the multitude of seabirds that call them home.
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